21 Movies That Would Best Introduce Aliens to Humanity
“Imagine aliens come to Earth,” begins a post made by Redditor Wololojo to r/Movies. “You are chosen to go and talk to them. They are pretty nice with you. They want to know our civilization and way of living.”
So far, so unprobed.
“But there’s a catch,” they continued. “They’re leaving soon. They know movies are popular around us. They ask you which movie (they can) see to understand us.”
This article not your thing? Try these...
No pressure, right? What do you go with? A historical drama to showcase an important moment in our species’s development? A comedy to expose our folly and hopefully make the aliens laugh? Just a really good movie to illustrate the depths of our artistic and intellectual abilities? Shaun of the Dead just for fun?
There’s a lot of different strategies that can be employed here, all of which were on display when Wololojo then asked, “Which movie would you pick?”