21 of the Most WTF Movies People Have Ever Seen
Movies are different from real life in several key ways. Nobody ever has a boring office job, unless that job is the specific source of a kind of dramatic and occasionally violent ennui. Provided the movie you’re watching was filmed after about 2004, everyone in it is the kind of hot that could walk off the screen and into the theater and steal everyone’s spouse. Nobody ever needs to exchange addresses, just magically knowing where to be at all times.
We accept these things as necessary trappings of escapist entertainment, but sometimes it goes too far. Sometimes, a scene or even an entire movie strays outside the limits of reality to the point that all you can do is sit there, mouth agape, occasionally emitting faint gasps of, “What. The. Fuck.”
This article not your thing? Try these...
These are the movies Redditors cited when user MightGuy420x asked r/AskReddit, “What movie had you saying ‘what the fuck’ the most while watching?”