Steve Harvey Tweets That He’s Not the @IAmSteveHarvey Tweeting Mean Comedian Tweets

Steve Harvey and his social media team — or, that scorched-earth stain that used to be his social media team — did not have a chill weekend. Harvey was dealing with the aftermath of an August 19th tweet sent out by his @IAmSteveHarvey account that got more than one million views before it was deleted. TMZ has the receipts:

TMZ, @IAmSteveHarvey's X account
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For Harvey, a comedian and game show host who has self-advertised side hustles as a motivational speaker and life advice guru, tweeting prompts guaranteed to bring out the haters seemed out of character. Comic Jess Hilarious called out Harvey for the negativity, even suggesting that he might have been hacked. “Was this appropriate etiquette for an original King of Comedy?” she asked, “or am I tripping?”
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We should take a moment to acknowledge that the tweet, while not brimming with positivity, was far from the worst thing a comedian ever posted on social media. We’re pretty sure Ricky Gervais has done worse this morning. Nonetheless, Harvey believed he needed to take a break from his weekend fishing trip to make things right.
“Somebody who works for me on my Twitter put a statement out that was totally negative,” Harvey said. “I got to take responsibility for it because they work for me.” The Family Feud host wasn’t down with the ugly engagement that the tweet received before it was deleted. “My whole brand is to be motivational!” he protested.
Harvey made one thing clear: He was pissed and someone was going to lose their job over the post. A ploy for engagement instead led to unemployment.
But that wasn’t the only X mess to ruin Harvey’s getaway. The comic was trending all weekend over unsubstantiated reports that his wife Marjorie had an affair with Harvey’s bodyguard, setting off a flurry of denials from the couple. A tribute to “the Love of my life” is now pinned to the top of Harvey’s feed. It all sounds like gossipy bullshit, but it’s enough to make a guy consider turning in his blue checkmark. Is promoting Niecy Nash's appearance on Celebrity Family Feud worth the headaches?
The bottom line: Harvey is likely in the market for a new social media team. If you’re an online public relations pro and have always dreamed of working for an “Emmy® Award-winning entertainer, radio personality, motivational speaker, New York Times best-selling author, businessman, and philanthropist,” you may never have a better chance than now. The main job responsibility: Handle the nonsense so a guy can fish in peace.