15 TV Comedy Running Jokes For the Hall Of Fame

Cracked's Comedy Hall of Fame unveils a new exhibit today, this time with those most quotable of jokes: the running gag. We begin in the land of TV comedies, were even the biggest—nay, hugest—mistakes can be resolved in 22 minutes:
Arrested Development: I've Made a Huge Mistake

Wikimedia Commons: German logo for Arrested Development
So many sitcom episodes would be so much shorter if more folks just said “I've made a huge mistake” faster.
Community: Dean Pelton Plays Dress Up

Wikimedia Commons: Gage Skidmore
Dean-a-ling! Just make sure he keeps track of his puttin' on the ritz cane.
The Simpsons: “Smithers, Release The Hounds”
An evil rich guy line so cool all the other evil rich guys are cursing ol' Burnsy for getting there first.
Archer: Phrasing

Wikimedia Commons: jen
Boom! Inappropriate.
Bob's Burgers: Burger of the Day
The chalkboard that launched a thousand puns, multiple YouTube videos, and one cookbook.
Parks and Rec: Leslie Vs. The Library

Wikimedia Commons: Parks and Recreation
The shining beacon of the power of public service…hates the place where all the knowledge is available to the public. There's a metaphor here somewhere.
The Office: Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration
What line of work you in, Bob?
Family Guy: The Cutaway

Wikimedia Commons: Beao
First it was odd, then it was hilarious, then it was self-aware, then it was overused, then it was a YouTube compilation.
Scrubs: Rowdy the Dog
Keeping a taxidermy dog in your apartment is one of the purest forms of goofy fun you can have your best friend. We all agree on that, right? Right?!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Cops Vs. Firefighters

Shutterstock: Kathy Hutchins
A hilarious, Patton Oswalt-cameo-fueled feud that apparently spills over into real life.
Peppa Pig: Madame Gazelle Is A Vampire

Wikimedia Commons: Paultons Park
We never said children's television couldn't make the Hall of Fame. It's almost spooky season, check your teachers' reflections in the mirror.
The Good Place: Bortles!

Wikimedia Commons: aitchisons
Professional sports team the Jacksonville Jaguars once started a quarterback named Blake Bortles. A perfect fandom for a Florida man.
BoJack Horseman: What Is This, A Crossover Episode?

Shutterstock: Carlo Prearo
The stupidest, most vacuous thing someone could say over and over again—chef's kiss for a show set in Hollywood.
Community: Troy and Abed In The Morning
A friendship born out of Spanish rap could only evolve into a morning show with no cameras.
Cheers: Norm!

Wikimedia Commons: Psemper
“Afternoon Everybody!” “Norm!” “What would ya like, Norm?” “A reason to live, and keep ‘em comin’.”