Saturday Night Live: 15 ‘Weekend Update’ Appearances For The Hall Of Fame

Weekend Update can sometimes be a drag, with unremarkable characters and jokes that won’t be remembered the following week. But every now and then, the writers strike gold and create a character so dynamic, that they can’t help but keep bringing it back for more. Here are 15 Weekend Update appearances For The Hall Of Fame
Cathy Anne
Cecily Strong really knew how to work the Weekend Update desk. Cathy Anne yells about nonsense and refuses to light her cigarette all while having an awesome milky eye.
Roseanne Roseannadanna
Roseanne Roseannadanna is hard to describe, and it's for that reason that Gilda Radner was such an irreplaceable genius. “You BELONG in New Jersey!”
The Jewish Boy Vanessa Bayer
In my opinion, Vanessa Bayer has way more talent than was ever showcased on SNL, but Jacob The Bar Mitzvah Boy really got it right. The writing is spot-on for an uber-specific character (never breaking away from his pre-written speech). Maybe it’s time he makes a return visit to the show.
Sarah Squirm and Colin
The stones you have to have to be an SNL newcomer like Sarah Sherman, and out the gate go straight for the throat of an SNL veteran like Colin Jost…we salute you, Sarah. Sherman told Mike Birbiglia on his podcast that she believes the bit works so well because Colin’s laugh lets everyone know it’s alright.
Drunk Uncle
Bobby Moynihan was an undisputed king of the Weekend Update desk. Bobby’s ability to create memorable and repeatable characters is second to none, especially when it comes to his magnum opus, Drunk Uncle.
Baby Yoda
Something changed in me the day I first saw Kyle Mooney’s interpretation of Baby Yoda. “YEAH YOU LIKE THAT, CHE?”
Bailey Gismert Teen Film Critic
Heidi Gardner’s character “Bailey Gismert” spread like wildfire online for capturing a strange ultra-specific nuance about current teenage girls. She can’t help but get distracted by the fact that Michael Che is looking at her and describes most movies as “it was weird.”
Garth and Kat
Garth and Kat were the sweater-toting, blonde-haired, totally-prepared singing duo that graced Update way back in 2013. You have to respect the courage it takes to write a sketch with your friend that largely involves improvised fake songs. It’s even harder when you realize Fred insists on changing the entire melody of the song every four bars.
The Girl You Get Stuck Talking To At The Party
Cecily Strong created the most universally recognized character of all time, The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With. She so perfectly encapsulates the feeling of having to talk to someone who holds every opposite opinion of you and just having to smile and nod your head. “There are homeless people out there who can’t even pay their mortgages.”
Opera Man
Ahhh Opera Man, does any character better encapsulate the 90s? Sandler’s character would take him out of his comfort zone by having him sing songs in a goofy voice.
Do I even need to explain the significance of Stefon? New York's hottest club IS Stefon.
Bennet Brauer
Chris Farley’s Weekend Update character Bennet Brauer was a great representation of his comedy writing, outside of his physical comedy. However, even sitting down, he can’t help but fling his head from side to side like a curious lizard. But don’t worry, by the end you get to see what may be the only wire stunt ever done on Update.
Bobby Moynihan’s portrayal of Snooki at the height of her fame was earth-shattering. The neon orange skin and Jersey bump were almost too spot on. There are moments in this video where you forget that you are not watching the actual Snooki.
Get In The Cage With Nicolas Cage
That one time Andy Samberg got Nicolas Cage to Appear with Nicolas Cage in Get In The Cage With Nicholas Cage.
The Iceberg That Sank The Titanic
This explosive segment from relative SNL newcomer Bowen Yang on Weekend Update proved that he could carry the weight of going solo with Colin at the desk. Yang plays the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, but he is NOT there to talk about that. I believe his publicist was very clear that they were only to discuss his new album. “First of all, you came to where I live and hit me!”
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