Group Of Black Women Harassed Off Golf Course For Playing Correctly

Back in 2018, a group of black women bought memberships to Grandview Golf Course in York, Pennsylvania. We're mentioning the location because there are at least four golf courses by the same name scattered through every corner of the state, and it's honestly just funny how lazy golf courses and country clubs are in naming themselves. Were "Greenfield" and "Pinelake" taken? Anyway, the ladies went out to play a round and ended up not getting their money's worth.
Because they were teeing off in April, in Pennsylvania, frost on the ground delayed their 10:00 tee time by over 40 minutes. They had five people in their group instead of the standard foursome but were allowed onto the course anyway. As they got to the second hole, course owner Steve Chronister (which is a moniker only a golf course owner could have) called the police to complain that the group was going too slow. They skipped a hole to speed things up. But police standing there and watching you play is pretty disconcerting, which caused three of the five women to leave after nine holes.
The remaining two women, Myneca Ojo and Sandra Thompson, got to the 10th hole and actually caught up to another group of golfers that were taking a break to have a couple of drinks. That group cordially invited Ojo and Thompson to play through. This caused another co-owner named Jordan Chronister to tell the women that they couldn't just cut people off, then try to boot them off the course.
What a tremendous douchebag. And peep the old man trying to hold Chronister back by explaining to him that taking videos is what they "do for a living." What?
Sure enough, Ojo and Thompson's case has been picked up by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, because it's got all the markings of racial harassment. There's even a second suit coming from another group of women who were victims of discrimination. Which forces us to ask -- regardless of race or gender or anything -- isn't golf supposed to be slow?
It's not like this was a hot day in July, with an overbooked course. It was a frosty morning in spring, with their group being delayed from the very beginning. If you've got a group of buddies golfing and you're going at a leisurely pace, it's not unusual to spend four hours out there. Professional golf tournaments are often four days long in attempts to get everyone through.
It doesn't matter if you're a pro trying to make every shot count, or a band of idiots tripping over your own feet in a sand trap -- if you're trying to speed through a golf course, you're not really playing right. You want speed and golf carts? There are races for that instead, you cheetah.
Top Image: Jopwell/Pexels