5 Reasons Daredevil Has the Worst Villains Ever Invented

The popularity of certain superheroes, such as Batman and Spider-Man, is occasionally eclipsed by the staggering awesomeness of their gallery of foes. Daredevil is not one of those superheroes.
The Masked Marauder
"Get it? Because he's blind! Ah, fuck it, just put Spider-Man's face on the cover; maybe somebody will buy it by accident."
As his name might suggest, the Masked Marauder wears a mask, and it's specially designed to shoot blinding rays of light to incapacitate his foes. Cunning readers may notice that this is a power that is completely useless against Daredevil, who is the only blind superhero in the entirety of the Marvel universe.
The Masked Marauder disappeared from comic pages for almost 30 years. His triumphant return was marked by the inexplicable revelation that his true identity was none other than Daredevil's building manager (seriously), and then getting blown up by the Punisher.
To be fair, this would sell some newspapers.
Despite being bulletproof and possessing the ability to cover entire city blocks in but a handful of wobbly steps that would take mere mortals several minutes to traverse, Stilt-Man is one of the most poorly conceived characters of all time, if for no other reason than stilts provide no tactical advantage, and tall robots are an excruciating liability. Come on, Stilt-Man. Star Wars taught us that.
Stilt-Man's run came to an end when the Punisher blasted him in the crotch with a rocket launcher.
No part of that sentence was exaggerated.
Then perhaps he chose the wrong gimmick.
Jester is a dime-store version of the Joker who seems to delight in the fact that Daredevil can't see the costume he picked out for himself. He compensates for his lack of powers by making grenades out of anything vaguely related to toys and/or comedy and throwing them into Daredevil's face. Jester also has a submarine, because for some reason he needs that to fight a blind man who goes back-flipping across the New York skyline in the middle of the night. He was eventually shot dead by the Punisher, who at some point apparently made it his mission to rid the streets of ridiculous idiots trying to waste Daredevil's time.
This is actually a repressed memory page.
Leap-Frog is a man in a frog costume with springs on his feet, because the writer was clearly on a deadline. Leap-Frog specializes in burglary, which in no way requires a costume, and really his only power is to try and hop away before getting noticed, which is hard to do when you're dressed like a fucking frog.
In the least awesome team-up ever, Leap-Frog joined forces with Spider-Man to defeat the villainous duo composed of White Rabbit and her partner, the Walrus, because you can Watchmen and The Dark Knight us all you want, but comic books are routinely the dumbest things ever written.
Wait, is the Walrus wearing a gay pride rainbow? This suddenly became even more offensive.
The Masked Matador
OK, did Daredevil just lose a costume contest, or are his ears popping in the middle of a theme park?
Manuel Eloganto was a champion bullfighter until he suffered a horrific goring and turned to a life of crime as the Masked Matador. His main targets were armored cars, which he robbed by standing in the middle of the street like a dumbass and throwing his cape over their windshields.
Or you could just run him over.
After defeating the Man Without Fear in their first battle by distracting him with his cape (which, when considering that Daredevil is blind, makes the opposite of sense), the Masked Matador was finally brought to justice, and somehow managed to avoid getting murdered by the Punisher.