5 Famous Movie Sets That Might Be in Your Neighborhood

We've talked before about remarkable fictional locations that actually exist in real life. Most of these are tucked away in some remote corner of the world, places that you will probably never visit.
And that's what makes this list different. See, when someone just up and decides to put nail to hammer and build their favorite movie house, it doesn't always happen in the middle of nowhere. In fact, there are a few famous movie homes you could be living next to without even knowing it. For example ...
The Floating House from Up
Blair Bangerter, a man (always specify sex when discussing someone named Blair) in Herriman, Utah, had an exact replica of the house from Disney's Up built and put on the market for a cool $400,000.
We know what you're thinking, and the answer is "Yes, he does sometimes attach helium-filled balloons to the chimney!"
To answer the other question we trust is now on your mind, no, those balloons cannot actually be used to lift the house from its foundation and carry it to Paradise Falls.
Why would you even ask that?
The Mansion from The Munsters
When Sandra and Chuck McKee were building their new home in Waxahachie, Texas, they made a passing joke that they wanted something similar to the mansion from the 1960s television favorite The Munsters.
Somehow, this joke blossomed into a full-on reconnaissance mission, watching all 70 episodes of The Munsters to get the design for their exact replica correct. They even researched ways to make their newly constructed house of terror look more beaten and worn down, because sometimes there's just more money in your account than you'll ever find ways to spend.
The couple further indulge their hobby by opening the house up to the public every Halloween while dressed as Herman and Lily Munster, because not every rich person is a complete asshole.
The Cottage from Snow White
This modest-looking home was designed and built by Adriana Caselotti in Los Angeles, back in 1976. It was intended as a tribute to the house of the dwarfs from the classic animated movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It features a dwarf bridge and a wishing well and a lifetime of loneliness for anyone who might be unlucky enough to call this their only option when it comes time to bring a date home.
This particular construction stands out from others on the list for one reason: Adriana Caselotti was the voice of Snow White. It seems she was so fond of the project that she wanted to come home to a little part of it every day. Which, when you think about it, is kind of sweet, really. A whole lot of creepy with a chance of sad, also. But sweet nevertheless.
The McAllister House
Sure, we've covered plenty of houses that other people have built, but who caters to the less discerning movie fan who just wants to walk into some construction company's office and say, "Build me something from the movies!" and actually have that request filled?
Well, those people probably don't exist, but if they did, they could stroll right into the office of Via Gapers Block, make that very demand and a few short months later be the proud owner of an exact replica of the house from the Macaulay Culkin masterwork Home Alone.
It's a plan that's full of upside on account of the fact that, as seen in the film, this house makes your child an unstoppable force that cannot be harmed by a mere intruder. In other words, you'll save a shit ton of cash on babysitting.
The House from Halloween
Kenny Caperton has been a fan of the Halloween movie since forever (or since 1978 when the film premiered, on the off chance that the word "forever" covers dates prior to the late '70s). When he turned 26, he decided to take his relationship with the movie to the next level and constructed a near exact copy of the house for himself and his wife (yes, we didn't believe it either) to live in.
The only differences are that their house is slightly larger in order to accommodate more living space and, naturally, to allow any future children ample murder space, lest they be discouraged from growing up to become the serial killers their daffy parents are practically begging them to be by raising them in an infamous murder house.
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