What The F**k Just Happened You Guys!?

Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States of America. It's going to be okay. Sit down, have a cookie, breathe into this bag, and put on your mandatory "Make America Great Again" baseball cap. We'll survive this, right?
Despite the sun coming up in the morning and life seemingly going on like normal, the world might've been forever changed last night. So we needed to break the little glass box, pull the lever, and record an emergency podcast. Jack O'Brien is joined by Jason Pargin (aka David Wong) to make sense of what happened at the polls last night, why we should've seen it coming from a mile away, and what we can actively do to prevent this from happening again. As Jason says on the site today, "Do the opposite of Panic. Work through the problem." It'll all be okay.
Throw on your headphones and click "Play" above, go here to subscribe on iTunes, or download it here.
And if we're still alive this weekend, make sure to catch the next LIVE taping of The Cracked Podcast this Saturday, November 12 at 7 p.m. at the UCB Sunset Theatre in Los Angeles. Jack O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, and Michael Swaim will be joined by an expert in psychology to talk about some of the psychological myths everyone seems to believe, like Rorschach tests (sorry, they don't work), middle child syndrome (not real), and depression (totally real, but antidepressants might not actually work very well). Tickets are only $5, and they're available here.
David Wong: "How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind"
Interactive 2016 County-by-County Election Map