Cracked Movie Club: Memento

Christopher Nolan month continues on Cracked Movie Club! Today, Christopher Nolan is one of the most famous commercial filmmakers in the world, but back in the year 2000, nobody knew who the hell he was. That all changed with the release of Memento, a psychological thriller written by Nolan and his brother Jonathan about a man struggling to solve a murder after being stricken with a rare form of amnesia that prevents him from making new memories. The movie's uniquely disjointed narrative structure made it an overwhelming success, and put Christopher Nolan on the map, where he has remained ever since.
This week, Tom and Abe are joined by comedian Eric Lampaert of Comedians Cinema Club to discuss Memento's themes of memory as an unreliable force, how much of the film's narrative we can actually trust, and whether or not you would starve to death if you couldn't remember the last time you ate.
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