All The Baffling Ways America Misunderstands The Middle East

Here's a mental experiment: think about "The Middle East". What just popped into your head? It's probably one or two kinds of places, tops. It might be a dangerous war zone, or a community that's somehow hundreds of years behind modern life. And it definitely didn't include skiers, on an indoor hill, in one of the world's largest malls.
No judgments here, friend: we all have misconceptions about the world. And some of your Middle Eastern mental picture may be accurate. But what if we told you there's an entire world of big box stores, Lionel Richie fandom, and intricate cultural diversity out there just waiting for you to discover it?
On this week's episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt joins Anna Hossnieh & Shereen Younes for a revealing trip through the modern Middle East. They'll dig into how how two rival Muslim-majority nations manipulate the entire region, why there's all kinds of Middle Eastern modernity the American media misses, how a World Cup bid caused an international blockade, and so much more.
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