19 Pros Who Use Ordinary Products In Extraordinary Ways

These guys take life hacks to a completely new level.
19 Pros Who Use Ordinary Products In Extraordinary Ways

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The reason we have Rogaine is because some genius decided to use it in a weird, off-label way. So here are some other products that professionals are re-purposing, that pretty soon everyone will be using in ridiculous new ways.

Baby Powder

Scientists use baby powder to create models of volcano eruptions in an indoor lab. The powder is dropped into a tank where cameras and lasers capture

Cleaning Up Nuclear Waste

Before the nuclear processing plant in Dounreay, Scotland could be dismantled, the radioactive plutonium residue inside the workings needed to be remo
AMERICAN TROOPS DURING THE KOREAN WAR USED TOOTSIE ROLLS AS SEALAN'T. Tootsie Rol In the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, a US Marine division, outnumb


Weavers in India use condoms to lubricate their looms. They're cheap, easily accessible, and, importantly, their lubricant doesn't stain silk fabrics.
19 Pros Who Use Ordinary Products In Extraordinary Ways
Brazilian doctors are using fish skin to treat burns. CRACKEDCON Brazil's public hospitals lack supplies of pig skin, human tissue, and other sources
Doctors use mirrors to treat patients suffering from phantom limb pain. which is quite prevalent among amputees. RMy YAT Scientists discovered that if
GRAPHENE WAS DISCOVERED WITH SCOTCH TAPE. Graphene While studying the properties of graphite, Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov used the tape to peel ap
Human hair is used to clean up oil spills. After noticing how otter fur traps oil, hairdresser Phil McCrory invented a method of isolating and cleanin
Vets are using vibrators to cure constipated animals. This new use for Sex toys was discovered when a tortoise that had eaten gravel from a vivarium w
Ivory soap is very effective catfish bait. IVORY Soap has been used by committed catfish anglers for decades, and the largely neutral scent of lvory s
Asthma spacers are expensive and rare in developing countries. So doctors started making their own out of 500mL plastic water bottles. Studies found t
Guitar and bass players use super glue on their fingertips to create artificial calluses. It also be can pressed into service makeshift as a suture fo
19 Pros Who Use Ordinary Products In Extraordinary Ways
Doctors are using Coca-Cola CRACKEDCON to treat a stomach condition. Researchers found that Coca-Cola can dissolve a stomach blockage known as gastric
Women in Bangladesh recently started filtering their water using their own COtton saris. Since then, rates of Cholera have dropped 50%. CRACKED COM
Farmers are now using catnip to repel mosquitoes from livestock. lt is found to be more efficient than conventional insect repellent.

Kitty Litter

Kitty litter is used in nuclear storage facilities as an effective way to absorb radioactive waste. Turns out, kitty litter contains a high amount of
Chinese Zoos use Viagra to increase the sexual appetite of the South China tigers with no sex drive, in an effort to raise the numbers of the highly e
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