12 Famous People You Didn't Know Hated Each Other

With great fame comes great responsibility ... to step up your pettiness.
12 Famous People You Didn't Know Hated Each Other

Humans can be pretty petty to each other. But you would think that, with a sudden increase of wealth and fame, some people would find that type of behavior beneath.

But, yeah, no -- celebrities aren't above being petty. They're just ridiculously petty to people on their level. For example ...

Star Trek

Star Trek's leads feuded throughout The Original Series. And Shatner kept stealing Nimoy's bicycle. When William Shatner started insisting that some o
Prince and Justin Timberlake had a very public spat. They went a few rounds over whether sexy left. During his set at an Emmy Awards afterparty, Princ
Bette Davis and Joan Crawford loathed each other. And they feuded for their entire careers. Davis thought Crawford had slept her way to the top, and d
The stars of The X-Files despised one another. David Duchovny says they were monsters. Duchovny blames the show's insane hours and often bizarre lo

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has a long-running feud with her brother Eric. It may have started over a custody battle. Eric has an ugly past involving violent assaul


Kid Rock and Tommy Lee have an ongoing rivalry. And they got into a fist fight at the VMAS. Both have been married to Pamela Anderson, which is probab

Andre Agassi

Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi were bitter tennis rivals. Chenpibnsis The Wmslea: And it came to a head during a charity match. Sampras and Agassi feud
Nicki Minaj and Remy have been feuding for 10 years. Ocwint And they can't stop lashing out with songs. The spat seems to have begun in 2007, when Min

Guns N’ Roses

AxI Rose and Slash didn't remain friends post-GNR. They've been sniping at each other for 20 years. Rose calls Slash a cancer that was wisely removed
Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe were hot'onscreen. Offscreen, he said kissing her was like kissing Hitler. During the filming of Some Like It Hot, Ma
EIton John can't stop talking trash about Madonna. And it's all because of Lady Gaga. Madonna doesn't like Gaga because Born This Way sounds like a

AuntieMeme may or may not have a Diablo addiction that she may or may not talk about on Facebook

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