29 Coincidences That Shred Reality

Whenever a coincidence occurs, most individuals fall into one of two camps: some who disregard such happenings as coincidental, and others who see meaning or a broader pattern in occurrences. Despite how unusual it might seem to run across your doppelgänger or share the very same anniversary as your best friend, a closer examination reveals that the cosmos is constantly scheming to sprinkle pieces of serendipity into our daily lives. We've produced a list of the most bizarre coincidences ever. So keep reading to be astounded by these unbelievable coincidences that will make even the most septic believe in fate.
If you saw any of these in a movie, you'd dismiss them as lousy writing, yet the real world is full of them. We asked you to compile a list of the most incredible real stories you've come across. The winner is listed below, but first, let's look at the runners-up... So keep scrolling down and read your favorite coincidence that completely blows you away.