21 Failures That Should Have Been (Really) Obvious

When you have a brilliant idea, it's easy to get so caught up in its awesomeness that you fail to see the glitches. This idea is percolating around the ol' noggin, and you keep rolling it over and over your smooth mind grapes, and you think: yeah, man. I'm the smartest dude in the world. I got this. This is going to be genius. Then the first person you show it to is like “YO WTF IS THIS SHIT?!" Then you have to slouch home, George-Michael Bluth-style, and collapse on the floor. Until the next brilliant idea strikes, of course.
But don't worry, you aren't alone. Everybody has this happen. Sometimes on a spectacularly public style. As you're about to see, tons of terrible ideas get greenlit without anyone really thinking about the dark side of what's being sent into production.
Our readers brought you the worst offenders. The winner is below, but first the runners-up ...