
Mohammed Shariff

Mohammed Jaleel Shariff is a freelance writer out of New York. He is currently in his third year of school at the University at Buffalo after having spent one year at New York University. He is 17 years old with articles here at Cracked, at TopTenz and at Listverse (links are below).

You can contact him
By email: mohammed.jaleel.shariff@gmail.com
By Facebook: www.facebook.com/mjshariff
By twitter: @mjsharifful


9 Absurd Movie Premises That Actually Happened

Even a great movie or TV show isn't above throwing in one ridiculous, larger-than-life character who almost ruins any element of realism in the plot. The genius who's TOO smart, the hero who's TOO cool, the rebel who breaks the rules but somehow never gets punished for it. Hey, you know where else you find ridiculous characters like that? Real life


5 Technologies That Prove We've Caught Up With Star Wars

Since the day the first Star Wars movie was released, fans have been donning bathrobes and making lightsaber noises with their mouths while swinging broom-handles around their kitchens. it turns out that science is no exception to fandom: They've been working 'round the clock to bring Star Wars tech to life, and they're actually succeeding

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