
Hey there, you. Since you've took the time to come here, it's only fair that I tell you something about myself.
I'm originally from Hawaii, and I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to work in the game industry...which I did for a while, but I'm now looking for something else; something a little less dream-crushing.
In the meantime, I learned how to use Adobe Creative Suite and fell in love in Photoshop. Although I've made stuff in Illustrator and Flash, Photoshop gave me those quick thrills that became instantly addictive.
Cracked Photoplasty became my creative outlet a couple years ago. At first, I admit it, it was the money, but after not placing for months, the camaraderie among other Plastiers kept me coming back here. Now that I've placed and won a couple contests, it was worth sticking around.
Well, that's enough about me.
...no, wait!
Here's my DeviantArt gallery (http://blackrock3.deviantart.com/). If you like my stuff, I put all my work over there.
...and I now have four shirts in the Dispensary too!
"Federation Anarchy" (http://society6.com/product/federation-anarchy_t-shirt#11=49&4=75)
"Eye World" (http://society6.com/product/eye-world_t-shirt#11=49&4=104)
"The Gotham Batmen" (http://society6.com/product/the-gotham-batmen_t-shirt#11=49&4=75)
"Joy Division/Going Solo" (http://society6.com/product/joy-division-going-solo_t-shirt#11=49&4=136)
...and I'm selling shirts on my own too!