Himanshu Sharma
Email - himanshu.sharma26@outlook.com, himanshu.cracked@gmail.com
Twitter - https://twitter.com/RudeRidingRomeo
5 Facial Features That Rat Out Everything About You
[Disclaimer: Do not start putting garbage bags on your head]
- Authors
- By Himanshu Sharma
- Published
6 Bizarre Medical Conditions That Shouldn't Be Possible
In the name of preparedness (and giving hypochondriacs something new to obsess over), we want to let you know of a few things.
- Authors
- By Himanshu Sharma, Janel Comeau
- Published
5 Cultures With Bizarre Mating Rituals
This dating shit is weird for everybody.
- Authors
- By E.M. Caris, Himanshu Sharma
- Published
The 5 Creepiest Death Rituals From Around the World (Part 2)
Given humankind's penchant for handling pretty much everything it encounters with complete and utter insanity, it's no surprise that some of our death rituals have gotten a little ... inspired.
- Authors
- By Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 Mysteries About the Human Race That Science Can't Explain
We've nailed a whole lot down, sure, but there are some shockingly simple questions we don't have very solid answers to yet.
- Authors
- By Monte Richard, Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 Eerily Human Things You Won't Believe Animals Do
Every once in a while we like to remind everyone of all of the insane ways animals are just like us.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas, Andrew Heaton, Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 Brain Disorders That Started as Evolutionary Advantages
It turns out some theories suggest that many times what we now call a disorder used to be an awesome advantage.
- Authors
- By Matthew Moffitt, Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 More Creepy Ways Animals Have Mastered Mind Control
Nature's psychic warriors will soon descend upon all of humanity.
- Authors
- By Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 Basic Things You Won't Believe Science Can't Explain
In school you learned a few scientific concepts that prepared you for a lifetime of understanding. And we're about to take that away from you.
- Authors
- By Himanshu Sharma
- Published
6 Ridiculous Science Myths You Learned in Kindergarten
Teachers are people, too, and people have this nasty tendency to occasionally lob whatever untruth comes flying at them right back at somebody else like a game of bullshit ping pong.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez, Himanshu Sharma
- Published