Corey Vaspasiano
7 Steps to Being the Worst Houseguest Ever
How to get evicted when you're just crashing on someone's couch.
- Authors
- By Corey Vaspasiano
- Published
9 Tips for Being a Douchebag at the Grocery Store
Apparently it's possible to suck at grocery shopping.
- Authors
- By Corey Vaspasiano
- Published
Treating Waiters Like Human Beings: A Chart for Beginners
Anyone who's spent time as a waiter or waitress knows that you quickly come to view anyone with an open menu in front of their face as the enemy. For the rest of you lucky folks, some advice:
- Authors
- By Corey Vaspasiano
- Published
Excuses We'll Make to Keep Our Favorite Shirt [CHART]
We all have our favorite shirts. And we tend to hang onto them well past the point that logic and public decency laws would dictate ...
- Authors
- By Corey Vaspasiano
- Published