Avatar: Weee Man
Time for some final stage music!
I suck at electromechanics. I'm getting better.
(edit: I stopped getting better a while ago, now I just suck (edit: Ok, I'm probably getting worse at this point (edit: Confirmed(edit: The fuck is electromechanic?))))
Holy shit, Bobbit worm!
"I hate the fractional system. We should move on to the decimal system with the rest of the world." - Some idiot I used to work next to. Not with, because he didn't work, but opted instead to offer little gems of wisdom like this.
X-Com, Dwarf Fortress, SteamBand, Doom Roguelike, Demon's (Demons'?) Souls. Try them, or you suck (first four are free anyway).
X-Com's getting a remake. Hmmm. UPDATE: IT'S AWESOME!
Call of Duty series, trimmed to the games that actually added something: CoD 1, Modern Warfare 1, Black Ops 2. Billions of dollars for ideas that were all previously expressed as Quake mods over a decade earlier for free. Derp!
Yes, I stated that Obama supported SOPA. I couldn't personally justify saying this at the time, I was wrong. Perhaps I just remember expecting him to sign it anyway.
I now know he most probably would. He initially stated he wouldn't sign the NDAA but did it in a sneak session anyways. He's also had a sneak session in signing ACTA, which is like SOPA but without all the congressional hassles. So, I was wrong, but my position was coincidentally right. Suck it!