

One day I'm going to be famous due to my own oxymoron of a mind, my genius collides with stupidity which shall lead me to take the Cobain way out, if we all haven't been green glassed as of yet. I am a self confessed hypocrite. I usually practice what I preach, but sometimes I just do what I want consciously knowing there will be consequences. I find joy in fucking with bullies. I am technically a genius, yet I would prefer to be ignorant. Ignorance is bliss. I'm stoned right now. One of my favorite friends is an octogenarian, former college Professor of Biochemistry, & card carrying member of Mensa. I suck at math, or just find it too tedious to bother with, I -am- an INTJ after all. I'm 21, have a severe case Wilson's Disease, & dropped out of college (fuck biology, I might change my major to Art due to the fact that I am a great artist, but due to the joint pain in my hands...). I'm a MacGyver Smoker, my life is a living soap you'd pay to watch on showtime. I'm on bedrest right now, so as of late all I do is toke, threaten drug dealers & pimps, avoid humans as often as possible, take pills, & read articles, or watch television...much of the time educational or mind numbingly stupid. Also I'm pretty hot for a freak & have a great significant other, although I am not a fan of monogamy due to the fact that humans aren't programmed to be monogamous; however, we can control our urges unlike many other animals. I'd do me. *fin*

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