Jack O'Brien
Am the Editor-in-Chief of Cracked.com.
Still laugh out loud at your article (that's me laughing out loud in my avatar).
Am a contributor to the micro-blogging site Twitter.com: https://twitter.com/jack_obrien
I have:
Two sisters and a wife who are cooler than me.
Two dogs and a wife who are all smaller than me.
A column on Cracked: http://www.cracked.com/blog/author/Jack+Obrien/
6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America
It turns out our teachers, Hollywood and whoever we got our Thanksgiving mythology from (Big Turkey?) all made America's origin story far more boring than it actually was for some very disturbing reasons.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Elford Alley
- Published
Musical Supergroups And Collaborations That Almost Happened
Sorry folks, but Jay-Z's ended more supergroups than he's started.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Alex Schmidt
- Published
The Nerdy Stuff You Learn At A KKK Cross-Burning
Checking the news right now, things are a little, how do you say...fucked.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, Katie Goldin, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Our Editor-in-Chief's 4 Most Mind-Blowing Podcast Moments
Serious Talk. It's Jack's last episode.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Daniel O'Brien, Mandy Rusin, Soren Bowie, Jack O'Brien, Alex Schmidt, Jason Pargin
- Published
14 Simple Changes That Would Revolutionize Modern Life
The world is full of systems and orders that we never really question because they've seemingly exited forever.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Adam Ganser, Jack O'Brien
- Published
24 Huge Historical Events That Were Secret Keggers
Even though drugs and alcohol have been a social lubricant since before we could write anything down, we like to think of history as this boring, stuffy museum exhibit where kings and queens drank iced tea, ate flavorless biscuits and had sex like our parents did (they've never had sex!).
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Carmen Angelica, Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien
- Published
More Simpsons Writer's Room Stories (From A Simpsons Writer)
Dana Gould is one of comedy's *that guys*.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, Michael Swaim
- Published
In Defense Of The Millennial
The script is different but the wording is always roughly the same.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin, J.F. Sargent, Brett Rader, Jack O'Brien
- Published
23 Movie Master Plans That Make Zero Sense
The term 'movie magic' typically refers to the technical brilliance of bringing dinosaurs to life onscreen or how Denzel Washington can make an entire theatre of men and women pregnant with a single knowing glance.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, David Christopher Bell, Jack O'Brien
- Published
What It's Like To Live In A Modern-Day Dystopia
Sometime around when Donald Trump started winning state primaries a year ago, the national mood went from,
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Alex Schmidt, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
18 Insane Movie Ideas We Dare Hollywood To Make
Big news! This summer, Hollywood is delivering us our 6th Spiderman movie in the last 15 years.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Katie Willert, Soren Bowie, Daniel O'Brien
- Published
Simple Concepts Humans Developed Surprisingly Recently
Nowadays, there's a huge emphasis on eating natural foods.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien, Teresa Lee
- Published
Advertising Tricks Big Companies Don't Want You To Know
We all know consciously to take advertising with a grain of salt.
- Authors
- By JM McNab, Jack O'Brien, Brett Rader, Carmen Angelica
- Published
8 Unlikely Vacation Spots From Fictional Universes
Time to pack the bros, the beers and the board shorts into the station wagon and drive down to the beach because it's SPRING BREAK WOOO.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien
- Published
The Shockingly Recent Race Riot You've Never Heard Of
A brief glance at the cartoon version of America makes you think the South is pretty racist.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien
- Published
How Ann Coulter And Milo Yiannopoulos Are Playing You
It's become your daily morning ritual. Wake up. Open Twitter. And here come's your fix.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Katie Goldin, Jason Pargin, Jack O'Brien
- Published
25 Bizarrely Specific Things Movies Get Wrong About Reality
It's not something that you consciously notice, but movies speak to us in a secret language.
- Authors
- By Soren Bowie, Daniel O'Brien, Carmen Angelica, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Lies You Believe About Jesus, Islam And Other Religions
What separates the baby religions from the big ones?
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien
- Published
Cracked's 2017 Fake Oscar Awards
Who can forget the classic Oscars showdown between 'The Artist' and, uh, 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close'?
- Authors
- By Adam Ganser, Jack O'Brien, David Christopher Bell, Brett Rader
- Published
Why Your Ancient Ancestors Had Better Sex Than You
When you think about ancient human history, you probably think about sex, right?
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, Teresa Lee
- Published