24 Actors Who Weren’t Fans of Their Most Famous Roles

There's an undeniable excitement you have as an actor when you land a meaty role in a major movie. It’s the kind of thing you call your parents about, trying to keep it together while also rubbing in their faces that they wanted you to throw away your dream of being on the big screen and go into the family dentistry practice.
Still, at the end of the day, acting is a job. You punch in, you do what you’re told and you get your (possibly lucrative) paycheck. Despite some of these amazing performances that have wormed their way into the consciousness of the movie going public, it doesn’t always mean it was the performer’s favorite day at the office. Some, in fact, would very much prefer you didn’t bring them up when you bump into them on street.
Who knows, maybe dentistry wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
James McAvoy

David Prowse

Hugo Weaving

Ian McKellen

Pierce Brosnan

Katherine Heigl

Amy Jo Johnson

The Jonas Brothers

Charlie Sheen

Chevy Chase

Penn Badgley

Lisa Kudrow

Idris Elba

John Cleese

Angus T. Jones

Johnny Depp

Val Kilmer

Amanda Seyfried

Uma Thurman

Robert Reed

She def did not look comfortable on the show

Josh Brolin

Rowan Atkinson

Kevin Bacon