20 Life-Hacking Products You'll Regret Not Buying Sooner

This piece was written by the people who run the Cracked Store to tell you about products that are being sold there.
With tech products, you usually get what you pay for. Spending $40 for a "brand-new" laptop will usually get you a piece of folded cardboard with "Twiteer" painted on it. But every once in a while, a truly great bargain comes around that outperforms its value by tenfold. Here are some of our favorite gadgets which do wonders and come at an amazingly low price.
USB LED Clock Fan
When you need to know what time it is but can't muster the strength to get your phone from just over there, you'll be glad that Past-You had already plugged in one of these USB LED Clock Fans. You'll get a cool breeze while you brag to your friends that you do indeed remember how analog clocks work. Get it here for $10.99.
ARMOR-X One-Lock Air Vent Car Mount
Playing with your phone while driving is a surefire way to end up as highway street art, yet people persist on doing it constantly. If your imminent death isn't enough motivation to stop texting while behind the wheel, then maybe consider that we're all judging you. Hard. However, if you use Google Maps a whole bunch, or you just want to DJ your own choice set when stuck in traffic, then be safe and grab an ARMOR-X One-Lock Air Vent Car Mount for $12.99.
Universal Three-In-One Lens Kit For Smartphones And Tablets
As any photography enthusiast or optometrist will tell you, the more lenses you have, the better. Intensely magnify the pores of your portrait subjects and squeeze out every ounce of sublime foliage from your landscape shots with a Universal Three-in-One Lens Kit for Smartphones and Tablets for $11.99.
Just Mobile AluCable Duo For iOS And Android Devices
Sure, a household that's split across political lines is tough to keep together, but a household that needs more than one kind of smartphone charging cable is on the verge of collapse. Thankfully, the bipartisan AluCable Duo supports both Android and iOS. It's great for helping you make it through some silent, angry dinners and shared car rides, and it only costs $17.95.
Earhoox 2.0 For Apple EarPods And AirPods Two-Pack
Owning Apple products has become an internationally recognized status symbol, but it's hard to project your affluence when your $160 earbuds fall out thanks to the slightest breeze or heavy bass track. Fortunately, these Earhoox 2.0 for Apple EarPods and AirPods keep them in place, and will only set your deep pockets back $14.99.
IllumiSink Light-Up Faucet Attachment
There's something almost transcendentally disgusting about rising in the middle of the night for some water, pouring a glass, and then getting a mouthful of slightly-hotter-than-lukewarm earth juice. We'd even go as far as saying that it's downright gross.
Thankfully, this IllumiSink Light-Up Faucet Attachment prevents you from that and all manner of scalding water disaster. Plus, you can fool your friends into thinking you drink neon-green water like you're some kind of Batman villain, and that's pretty cool too. Pick it up for just $10.99.
BK SPORT Bluetooth 4.0 Headphones
If there's one thing that's going to spur a mid-workout meltdown, it's your headphones tangling with your weights as you lift. Add in a bit too much nitrous in your pre-workout drink, and you might find yourself sprawled on the floor, screaming in the middle of your gym. BK SPORT Bluetooth 4.0 Headphones are super durable and tangle-proof, so you'll never make a scene by the squat rack again. Get 'em for $16.99.
Bluetooth Shower Speaker
How many more phones have to die for your morning routine of singing in the shower? How many, you monster? Well, none if you have a music player that won't dissolve when it touches water. This Bluetooth Shower Speaker is totally water-resistant, and sticks to your shower wall with an iron grip. Get it here for $9.99.
Orbiter Magnetic Fidget Toy
Fidget spinners, or the spinning fidgets (as no one yet calls it, but they will), have become the go-to way to break bread with millennials. Unfortunately, they can sometimes be a bit noisy for the conference room. This Orbiter Magnetic Fidget Toy is totally silent, and way easier to fit in your khakis. It's available in our store for $16.99.
The Anchor: The Original Under-Desk Headphone Stand Mount
Everyone knows that there's a direct correlation between having a pair of headphones that are so huge that they have their own gravitational pull and being a better amateur music producer. Once you get yourself a pair of honkin' cans, you'll need a place to put them. To keep them off the table and out of the clutter, pick up an Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Mount for $9.99.
Nut Mini Tracker
Misplacing your phone can be annoying, but you can always just have a friend call it to speed up the search and rescue effort. On the flip side, misplacing your keys or wallet sends you frantically digging through couch cushions and laundry piles like some sort of deranged mole person. But now there's a way to easily find your wallet, keys, luggage, or whatever else you might lose on the reg. The Nut Mini Tracker provides a homing beacon for anything you attach it to, for just $14.99.
NomadPlus Smartphone Wall Charger And Battery Pack
Wouldn't it be nice if that little AC adapter block that comes with your phone did more than take up precious outlet space? The NomadPlus Wall Charger puts the factory made adapter block to shame by turning into a handy portable battery pack, meaning you'll have power to spare even if there's no wall in sight. Grab one here for $18.99.
Ghost Indoor HDTV Antenna
The rise of streaming has provided tons of new headaches, from troubleshooting network connections to remembering the email address associated with the account you "borrowed" from a friend. The Ghost Indoor HDTV Antenna lets you go back to a time when you could just watch whatever's on, but in glorious HD. Get it for $15.99.
Neutron C Magnetic Car Mount
If you're going to buy a phone mount for your car, you might as well get one that harnesses the awesome power of magnets. The Neutron C Car Mount takes up a minimum amount of space on your dash and holds your device up like a magnet to a fridge. Don't worry about frying your phone, though, because it also uses magnetic shielding(!) to keep your device safe. We are truly in the future. Pick it up for $16.99.
Steel Man MicroUSB Charging Cables
These MicroUSB Charging Cables are for people who can't stand a flimsy charger and want to make sure everyone knows it. They're wrapped in TPE to withstand wear and tear, and bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain Robert Downey Jr. character. Get one for $9.99.
Exocharge Three-Port USB Car Charger
When you think about it, your car is just a big gas generator strapped to some wheels and seat cushions. You can harness the power of gasoline and forward momentum to power a phone (or three) with an Exocharge Three-Port USB Car Charger. Time to ride eternal in Valhalla, shiny, chrome, and with a full battery. It's available in our store for a measly $14.99.
Hand Stylus
Making vulgar drawings on an iPad is definitely a good time, but having to use your pudgy, ketchup-stained fingers makes for quite a mess. With this retractable Hand Stylus, you can scribble all the crude doodles you want with the precision and style of a calligraphy master, or a really practiced fifth-grader. It's just $14.95.
Self-Stirring Camera Lens Mug
When they aren't having gorgeous models pose for them or taking cover in an active war zone, photographers love to kick back with a fresh cup of coffee. What better way to celebrate your camera chops and your need to always be on the ready than with a travel mug that's shaped like a DSLR lens? It stirs your coffee for you, and it's only $12.99.
IllumiBowl 2.0
Unless you are a dog marking your territory, going in blind for a midnight pee isn't wise. (And even then, you might want to sniff around first.) As a civilized adult human, your bathroom might have lights, but fumbling for that switch in the midst of a midnight stupor is bound to leave you tripping over a bathmat at least once. Thanks to the powers of intense neon, though, you will no longer be lost in the poop dungeon. The IllumiBowl 2.0 is motion-activated and turns your toilet into a glowing throne, for $12.99.
MOS Cable Organizer
If you love to fetishize those impossibly pristine workspaces that you see on Instagram and in hipster stock photography, the MOS magnetic cable organizer will help boost your office to their level. It keeps your MacBook cable on-hand, and could probably be used to pick up spare change from inside your couch too. Get one for $11.99.
Any Clever Yoshis able to make our nightly binge of RuPaul's Drag Race just that much simpler are alright in our book. We Salute you, good sirs.
For more smartypants hacks, check out 6 Cool Cracked Items That Will Make You Look Hella Smart. We believe in you.