8 Things To Try If You Get Trapped In A Time Loop

So if you pay attention to movies that come out on weekends, you may have heard about this movie called Source Code which came out this weekend. Based on the title of the film, one might assume that it's about a hacker who beats a Hollywood writer to death with a UPS for not understand how computers work. But as much as that would be both breathtaking and Oscar-winning, that doesn't turn out to be the case here. Instead, Source Code deals with a man who, with the help of some experimental military technology, has to repeatedly live the same eight minutes again and again until a train stops exploding. Without spoiling the film too much, the hero does eventually succeed, saving both the train and the attractive woman whom he'd been flirting with, who unfortunately goes on to be the next Hitler. This is also as good a time as any to mention that I haven't seen the film. Because a lot of Cracked readers are involved with experimental military technology or thinking of getting involved with experimental military technology, we thought it best to compile the following list of ideas for how to get out of a similar loop in the fabric of the universe. Hopefully these will be of some use to you the next time you find yourself tumbling backwards, end over end, down the up escalator of time.
#8: Mess Around
After you realize you're stuck in a time loop, you should conduct some quick experiments to see how far it extends. See what happens if you don't get in to that elevator, or if you get in backwards and naked.
#7: Be a King
Assuming that your time loop lasts long enough, you should be able to use your knowledge of the upcoming events to set yourself up nicely, at least within that current iteration. Win lotteries, buy stocks on margin or dominate your local underground horse fighting gambling den. With your new-found winnings, see if it's possible to buy your way out of the time loop -- rich people are always getting away with shit like that. At worst, you'll be able to suffer through your Sisyphean ordeal in nice clothes.
#6: Solve A Crime
It's possible you're trapped in this time loop to prevent some injustice from happening, sort of like
#5: Clean Things Up
Some of our older readers might recall these things called compact discs, which were basically smaller versions of the laserdiscs we're all familiar with. When those things started skipping it was often simply because they were dusty or dirty. Rubbing the crud off or simply blowing on them was often enough to restore them to their former gloriousness.
#4: Improve Yourself
The more attentive amongst you might recall that the concept of this Source Code film is reminiscent of Groundhog Day, a 1993 film where Bill Murray had to prevent Andie MacDowell from blowing up a train.
#3: Avoid Frasier
In the classic
#2: Find and Murder the Witch
Witches are constantly plotting and scheming, and with your ill-advised tendency to shriek insults at groups of women, it's entirely possible that you have angered a coven.
#1: Shamelessness
Assembling a Cracked column is a painstaking process, typically taking 150 to 200 hours of labor, each word weighed and assessed individually to maximize comedic effect.
For more one time travel, check out 6 Time Travel Realities Doc Brown Didn't Warn Us About. Or see why Bucholz is our resident time travel expert in 16 Possible Explanations for the Time Traveler Caught On Film.
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