6 Resolutions for Those With Realistic Expectations
Unlike a lot of you, I'm not going to partake in any new year's resolutions, the traditional way to improve one's life at the start of a calendar year. Resolutions are easy to make, hard to keep, and each abandoned resolution forms the bass kick in the failure drumbeat of your life.

Well, folks, it's a new year, and like a lot of you, I'll be damned if I'm going to let this one turn into the shitshow that 2010 did. God, what a disaster. Who knew a dolphin could bleed that much? Marine biologists probably. Dolphins, too, I guess. But certainly not me, the one person who really needed that information in 2010.
Resolution 1: Lose Weight
If you're using a special, extra-wide keyboard to access this page, then you might be in the group of people who've vowed to lose weight this coming year. Weight loss is one of the most popular new year's resolutions, possibly due to the number of broken chairs and bathtub entrapments which come with the heavy holiday eating season.Why it sucks:Because this is also the most broken, least plausible new year's resolution. Resolving to "lose weight" hilariously understates the scope of the issue, considering the massive amount of hard work and lifestyle changes that are typically required to have any effect. If you seriously want to lose weight, that would have been a good decision before the gravy-based meal.A better resolution: Move some place flatterResolution 2: Spend More Time With Family
As we go about the daily challenges of life (work, bills, dolphin maintenance), we inevitably lose sight of what matters most in life: our families. Spending more time with loved ones seems like a fine idea every new year, and loudly claiming you want to do so makes you seem like a real swell guy, or at minimum, a friendly drunk.Why it sucks:You're too drunk to remember it, but that slip away from your family was not entirely without reason: - You've been in a medical quarantine. - The boys in Call of Duty
Resolution 3: Quit Smoking
I don't want to dissuade you from this too much. The odor reasons alone make this a worthwhile endeavor -- unless you're considering giving up pipe smoking, which means you're a fool. You smell like a tapestry depicting an old naval battle. You can't just throw that away.Why it sucks:Like the weight loss one, this is way harder than you realize, primarily because addictive things are addictive. You've also likely established a social circle which enables your smoking, and changing other people is extremely difficult, something only hypnotists and wives are good at.A better resolution: Quit ping-pong
Resolution 4: Pay Off Debt
Debt weighs heavily on people, especially after Christmas, what with all the expensive gifts we have to buy to maintain familial peace.