5 Amazing New Inventions (That Will Doom Humanity)

Flame Drills
A man named Jared Potter has recently developed a pair of flame drills that operate at temperatures of 3200 and 7200 degrees, respectively. That's hot enough to pretty well burn through anything, but rather than mounting them on the front of a spike-treaded tank and driving it into the UN to deliver his list of demands, Potter has instead opted to turn the fury of his psycho-drills on the very planet itself. At such high temperatures, the drills are capable of boring through the Earth's crust without ever actually touching the rock itself, thus eliminating the need for replacement drill bits, equipment maintenance and rock cooties. How This Will Change the World:"Just harvesting some fuel."
How This Will End The World: What part of superheated hydrogen drill boring into the Earth's core didn't set off an alarm with you? The whole idea reeks of barely veiled supervillainy, but even assuming that Potter has the best of intentions and is not, in fact, hiding a Cobra Commander mask in his back pocket, tapping a geothermal well where there is not already a natural vent brings a few risks along with it: volcanic eruptions, searing magma, earthquakes and crustal instability, to name a few. A volcano's only job is to provide an avenue for magma to exit through - but dramatic eruptions are only caused when that vent is blocked long enough to build up significant pressure. So if anything blocks, interrupts or otherwise interferes with the vent, then you have all the criteria for a volcano. Where's the nearest power plant to your house? Two miles? Five? Now, where's the nearest volcano? Yeah, well, pretty soon you're only going to need to know the one answer.Warp Drive
A lot of thought is being poured into new methods of space travel, and what scientists across the globe are discovering is that Star TrekTake that, Physics, take it all!
How This Will Change The World: The great thing is that interstellar travel could very well be a possibility, as the fundamentals of a warp drive are being nailed down by some of the brightest minds in the world right now. Truly feasible interstellar travel could well traverse that last great step for humanity: The creation of a global society. There are countless divides between people that allow us to morally separate ourselves from one another. But interstellar travel could not only bring about the usual benefits science fiction promises us, (namely some of that sweet green alien strange) but also the end of all internal Earth conflict. If there are suddenly a billion other accessible galaxies teeming with life, the "us vs. them" mentality gets scaled up accordingly. Now instead of mere interspecies fighting, it's Earth vs. Everybody Else (hey, let's not fool ourselves here: We're always going to bomb the shit out of somebody; interstellar travel just means you're less likely to be related to them). How This Will End The World:"Boy, space sure was fun. Whelp, time to go."
So sure, you may be able to travel to new galaxies and meet fascinating alien civilizations, but you'll be burning those bridges right behind you--along with the rest of their entire planet. We guess as long as you don't give a shit about the sanctity of alien life, and never plan on returning home, you can burn your way through the universe with your jerk-drive all you want. Jerk.Artificial Brain
Artificial Intelligence is a staple of science fiction thrillers--from HAL 9000 to WargamesLove/Anti-Love Pill
An American neuroscientist named Larry Young, of the Emory University School of Medicine, is operating under the theory that love is a chemical state like any other, and can be controlled as such. His research into prairie voles has shown that lifelong mating can be triggeredComputer Assisted Memory
Computer assisted memory is a recent goal, in that the very idea itself didn't crop up until we started pretty much practicing it anyway. We started uploading family photos to Flickr and burning our home movies to DVD and now that we've pretty much started doing it already, we want to go farther. From the still far-off goal of silicon enhanced artificial neurons, to the shaky present-day experiments already underway that simply photograph your daysYou can pre-order Robert's book, Everything is Going to Kill Everybody: The Terrifyingly Real Ways the World Wants You Dead on Amazon, or find him on Twitter, Facebook and his own site, I Fight Robots because he's such a ray of goddamn sunshine!