24 Video Game Covers That Will Double Your Testosterone

Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior (Amiga, 1987)

Bad Cat (Amiga, 1987)

Blood 'N Guts: Ancient Barbarian Games (Commodore 64, 1986)

Contra Force (NES, 1992)

Aaargh! (Apple IIgs, 1989)

Dino City (SNES, 1992)

Ninja Cop (Famicom, 1989)

Donkey Kong (Atari 2600, 1982)

Ikari Warriors (Amstrad, 1986)

Drug Wars (Philips CDi, 1996)

Rival Turf! (SNES, 1992)

Space Pirates (3D0, 1994)

Ikari Warriors (Atari 2600, 1989)

Legendary Axe II (Turbo Grafx 16, 1990)

Ikari III: The Rescue (NES, 1991)

Power Blade 2 (NES, 1992)

X-Man (Atari 2600, 1983)

Crack Down (Amiga, 1990)

Two Crude Dudes (Sega Mega Drive, 1992)

Wow, the werewolf prosthetic limb industry doesn't give a shit! And if it's this tough when a handless man turns into a werewolf, you don't even want to think about it when a guy in a wheelchair gets bitten.

In this great country of ours, we called WARWOLF "Werewolf: The Last Warrior," and this is no-bullshit how the American version ended:

America was saved and he got his hands back! Obviously not before he castrated himself, but I wouldn't worry about that. If lycanthropy works the same way in reverse, he should change back into a man and have a 9 foot sword growing out of his crotch.
Jim Power in Mutant Planet (Amiga, 1993)