16 Possible Explanations for the Time Traveler Caught On Film
According to the YouTube comments which accompanied the video, heavily laden WITH words capitalized for no OBVIOUS reason, this was clear proof that time travel had been invented, and that we were being monitored by people from the future at all times, probably even in the bathroom.

Simple Explanations
These explanations all involve something simple that explains the image without resorting to time travel, alien invaders or a mischievous genie. Consequently, they are pretty boring. If it helps, imagine hearing these read aloud by the voice of Hulk Hogan. That should make it more fun. It's a Hearing Aid

She's Just a Basic Crazy Lady
Next there is the sub category of explanations which rely on the premise that this is actually footage of the local town lunatic wandering around, being a burden on society. All of these explanations involve her speaking into a darkish, non-time-traveling object, speaking into it in the manner of a crazy person. It's a Rye Bread Sandwich

She's A Goddamned Time Traveler
Finally, we must acknowledge the slim chance that this woman is actually a time traveler, and is indeed carrying some kind of blackish device from the future. It's a Cell phone

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