The 20 Most Insane Things That Happened In 2017

You probably remember that 2017 was an insane year. The thing is, it was even crazier than you remember, because the human brain is incapable of retaining the sheer volume of strangeness we witnessed in 2017. Fortunately, we kept track, for you.
Remember when ...
Source: Gizmodo
Source: NPR
Source: 23 ABC
Source: ABC News
Source: Variety
Source: The Verge
Source: The Washington Post
Source: Reuters
Sources: The Hollywood Reporter, Variety
Source: The Guardian
Source: Vulture
Source: Slashfilm
Source: The San Francisco Chronicle
Source: NPR
Source: AP News
Source: NPR
Source: NBC Los Angeles
Source: NPR
Source: Newsweek
Lots of insane things happened in 2017, and there's probably more in store in 2018. Here's a stress ball, just in case that helps.
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For more check out The 6 Creepiest Stories Of 2017 (You Totally Missed) and 29 Pieces Of Good News That Got Choked Out By Trump Stories.
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