The ACLU Should Use Truck Nuts As A Free Speech Precedent

Is the ability to have a "FUCK TRUMP" sticker protected under the first amendment? The ACLU thinks so. But what do Texas's obscenity laws say about it?
Apparently, title 9 chapter 42 of the Texas Penal Code specifies that disorderly conduct includes profane language or gestures when "its very utterance causes an immediate breach of the peace." It also covers behaviors such as chemically creating an "unreasonable odor in a public place," which makes it sound like fart terrorists are going around releasing lab-created poots. There are a whole host of other examples, but most are irrelevant to the current case (unless the owner of the truck "exposed his anus" in a "reckless" manner). So sure, using a very liberal interpretation of the law, you could possibly make a charge based on the sticker being "profane," and though it's a stretch, causing some sort of breach of the peace.
Now, I'm not some kind of fancy city lawyer, but if you can apply this law to a "FUCK TRUMP" sticker, what of truck nuts? Truck nuts, for those uninformed, are decorations that hang from the rear bumper of a vehicle, and depict a pair of dangling testicles. They come in a variety of colors, patterns, finishes, and sizes. My favorite are these glossy skull truck nuts. But if truck nuts are permissible, why then is "Fuck Trump" a crime? A detailed, veiny imitation scrotum is no less vulgar. I could make the argument that they "breach the peace," because when I see a pair I get the inexplicable urge to rear-end the truck in question.
In conclusion: if the truck nuts fit, you must acquit.
For more check out What Stupid News About Millennials Is There Now? (11/12/2017) and What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (11/12/2017).
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