The BBC Quoted A Hardcore Porn Website's Anti-Trump Tweet

I'm offended by the implication in this article that hardcore porn sites can't have political opinions. TitanMen, whose tweet the BBC cited, describes itself as the purveyor of the "best gay adult entertainment on the planet." That sounds like a company that prides itself on hard work and keeping up with stiff competition. They're as qualified as anyone to offer their firm opinions, with a rigid stance against the president. They're really getting to the meat of the issue, grabbing and tugging at the loose threads of our democracy. Boners.
What I mean to say is that hardcore pornography websites have their first amendment rights, too. What's wrong with quoting them, as long as their tweet is relevant to the political discussion? TitanMen can offer insightful commentary, like their response to the current tax plan debate where they say, "Things get hot when a UPS delivery man shows up with a big package," alright whoops that's the wrong quote but you get the idea. This is a democracy, and every voice should be heard. You can't spell "democratic republic" without "emo pubic," which I'm not going to google but I'm 99% sure is a porn subgenre. The founders knew what they were doing.
For more check out What Stupid News About Millennials Is There Now? (11/12/2017) and What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (11/12/2017).
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