Here's 10 Amazing Things You Probably Didn't Know (4/2/17)

At some point in the very near future, you are going to need to sound smart and/or interesting in a social setting. At no cost whatsoever, we are providing these completely true facts you can use to spice up your small talk.
From 6 WTF Stumbling Blocks (That Almost Killed Famous Movies)
From 6 Huge Side Effects Of Legal Weed (Nobody's Talking About)
From The 5 Most Fun Things You Can Do With Bad Video Game Weapons
From 5 Things That Prove You Can't Exaggerate Russia's Insanity
From Movies That Were Waaaay Darker & Crazier Than Advertised
From 7 Scenes Filmmakers Chopped But Shouldn't Have
From My Fake 'Magic: The Gathering' Cards Fooled Almost Everyone
From 6 Impostors Who Took Fraud To WTF New Levels
From 8 Tourists Who Managed To Be The Worst People Ever (Part 2)
From Mind-Blowing Celebrity Connections That Seem Impossible
Make sure to check out all the crazy stuff we learned last week too.