Fan Theories That Vastly Improve Films

Sometimes, a screenwriter is too close to a deadline/too low on vodka to worry about minor things like character development or plot coherency. But never fear! Dedicated fans are always ready to fill in the blanks with theories of their own that, in many cases, are strangely convincing.
Are any of these actually true? Maybe! Do most of them improve the movie? Absolutely.
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WARNING: Massive spoilers ahead.
Batman v Superman: Batman Is So Kill-Crazy Because Robin Turned Into The Joker

If there are three things everyone knows about Batman, it is that he does not use guns, he does not kill, and he could absolutely be doing better things with his money. Well, in Batman v Superman, two of those things go out the window, together with all the bullets that Batman shoots from guns into his enemies.

"Haha! Why didn't the police think of this?!?"
This very convincing Reddit theory argues that Batman's sudden lax attitude towards killing is due to Batman having a mental break, brought about by his second Robin becoming the Joker. That's right, it's possible that Jared Leto's character was once Batman's apprentice, but was tortured to madness by a bad guy (the original Joker?). Let's look at some facts:
In the film, Robin's costume was marked with comments from the Joker, suggesting that the clown prince of crime killed him. But maybe his death was only metaphorical because where Robin died, the Joker was born? You know, like how Obi-Wan insisted Vader "murdered" Anakin Skywalker.

And then spray painted all over his Jedi robes.
After all, Batman does comment on how few people stayed good after 20 years in Gotham. That level of cynicism can be expected after watching his apprentice morph into everything he hates. Also, it does sort of look like Leto's Joker has tattoos covering up the spots where Robin's armor was shot (right shoulder, below the ribcage).

He also has a tattoo of a bird that could be a robin, and a J on his face that could stand for "Jason" as in " Jason Todd," the second Robin that, in the comics, has a history of becoming a crazed murderer.

Much like Jared Leto, we're pretty sure
Now, it's true that the film's director has shot down this theory, but then again, J.J. Abrams swore up and down that Benedict Cumberbatch wasn't playing Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness, so what would you expect him to say?

In Jurassic World, the Indominus Rex was the revamped park's big new attraction -- a brand new beast Frankensteined together out of the DNA of different animals: dinosaurs, snakes, tree-frogs, cuttlefish, and whatever other gunk John Hammond had lurking in his fridge. The result was a genetic monstrosity that could have really shown off the power of Hollywood creativity but was essentially just a giant raptor.

A raptor that could turn invisible, but only once for some reason.
Well, OK, admittedly Indominus was smarter than a raptor. A little too smart, when you think about it. The new dino sets traps, kills for sport, and possibly even intentionally releases pterodactyls when it's being pursued by a helicopter. This is why a certain Reddit fan theory makes a lot sense.
What if the Indominus Rex is actually a human-dinosaur-frog-snake-squid hybrid? Hey, did we mention that human-dino hybrids was the original concept that writers toyed with for Jurassic Park 4?

After toying with peyote apparently.
So it is possible parts of that concept got blended into the script of Jurassic World, like so many strands of leftover DNA. Why did it never get mentioned by anyone in the final movie, then? We're guessing that got cut by whichever of the six screenwriters added the part where Chris Pratt adorably trains raptors like show dogs.
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory: Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory Is Dante's Hell

In the 1971 movie, the only one ever made, Willy Wonka owns a chocolate factory which he uses to lure in a bunch of kids and possibly murder them. First, though, he takes them on a trippy tunnel boat ride from hell.
The thing is, the "from hell" part might actually be literal if you subscribe to the theory that Wonka's chocolate factory is literally the afterlife. For example, the boat ride? That's where everyone crosses the river Styx, the border between Earth and the Underworld. The poem Wonka recites during the ride basically confirms it:
"Are the fires of Hell a-glowing?
Is the grisly Reaper mowing?
Yes, the danger must be growing,
For the rowers keep on rowing."
If there is a more obvious allusion to the river Styx and its ghostly rower Charon in a children's movie, then we'd love to see it.

Preferably in the daytime
But could it be that the chocolate factory is literally the same Hell as described in Dante's Divine Comedy? Well, as with Dante, there's an ironic punishment for all the misbehaving children in Willy Wonka's factory (Dante scholars call it contrapasso). In the movie, it's achieved by, say, Augustus Gloop getting digested by the chocolate he devours, Violet Beauregarde getting "squeezed" in a juicing room like the gum she chewed, Mike Teavee getting transported to a TV, etc.

Pictured: Irony?
Oh, and the Oompa Loompas? They actually share some similarities with Seraphim, the highest order of angels. Like angels, the Oompa Loompas speak in songs and have golden/orange faces:

And Seraphim are always drowning fat kids in chocolate rivers.
This of course raises some important questions like: Does Charlie inheriting the chocolate factory make him the new Satan and Lord of Hell? The answer is 100 percent yes.
Spectre: Bond Never Escaped From Blofeld

In the latest Bond movie, Daniel Craig discovers the existence of an international organization responsible for most acts of espionage and terrorism around the world. No, not the one he discovered before; a brand new one, at least twice as evil as the first one.
He eventually gets captured by the organization's leader, Blofeld (Christoph Waltz), who tries to give Bond a lobotomy because death is too good for him or whatever the excuse was this time for not just shooting his ass on sight.

"I'm all caught up on Netflix and kind of bored, really ..."
Surprise, surprise, it turns out death wouldn't have been too good for Bond as he breaks free from his restraints, somehow, and shoots his way out of the base, also somehow. Actually, the rest of the movie has a lot of these "somehow" moments, including the time Bond shoots down a helicopter with a pistol.

Still less silly than doing it with a cop car but only barely.
All these improbable moments are actually why some reviewers have postulated that Spectre took us on a vacation to Brazil in the third act, and that everything after the torture scene takes place in Bond's degenerating mind.
Consider the movie's ending. So far, every Craig-Bond movie ended on a downer note: dead girlfriend (Casino Royale), dead friend (Quantum Of Solace), dead mother figure (Skyfall). But in Spectre, not only does Bond save the day and prove the worth of the cancelled double-0 program, but also rides off with the Bond girl into the sunset. Oh, and, the two of them supposedly realized their loved for each other right around the time of Craig's "attempted" lobotomy.
Shit, Bond is totally brain-damaged, guys. But, at least he's happy.

In the 1982 groundbreaking cyberpunk action mystery noir film Blade Runner (which was groundbreaking mostly for how many genres it mashed together) Harrison Ford plays an ex-cop named Deckard hunting down replicants, bio-robots that went rogue. He's recruited for the job by Gaff, a mysterious figure who works with the LAPD played by Edward James Olmos.

"Surely this will be the last time I portray a guy dealing with robots that look just like people."
Everyone has heard the theory that Deckard himself is a replicant (if you haven't, there's a theory that Deckard himself is a replicant) but the more interesting take on the character is actually much weirder: He's actually a robot implanted with Gaff's memories.
Gaff appears to be a veteran of the police force and walks with a limp, which implies that he has been injured in the line of duty. Perhaps not wanting to waste an important asset, the police department decided to transfer all of his smarts and experience into a brand new, synthetic body, i.e. Deckard. How else do you explain him just absolutely hating Deckard seemingly for no reason? When Gaff "first" meets Deckard, he scowls at him like he had slept with his wife and drank all his beer.
He barely acknowledges Ford's character throughout the film, almost as if he is resentful of both his healthy body and memories. Gaff also has to drive Deckard everywhere, which would mean they effectively have Deckard under constant surveillance.
Most importantly, though, Gaff always seems to know what Deckard is thinking, like when he makes a unicorn origami for him because he knows that's what Deckard is dreaming about. So either one is a robo-clone of another, or Gaff just has a very unhealthy obsession with Deckard for reasons that almost certainly go beyond the professional. Perhaps both?

"I dreamed of a unicorn, having sex with a clone of itself. Weird, right? Haha. I mean, it was weird, but also kind of beautiful ... "
Deadpool: Deadpool Wrote His Own Movie

Deadpool was the film that proved R-rated superhero films could also be super fun.

Eat it, Zack Snyder.
The film was a masterpiece of action and dramedy and satire. It was also rumored to be authored by the title character: Deadpool. Yes. The comic book character. According to one theory, Deadpool wrote the movie Deadpool.

The clues were there in the first few seconds of the movie.
The idea that Deadpool wrote Deadpool within the X-Men cinematic universe (i.e., not in real life) actually makes a ton of sense. It explains why the character Deadpool repeatedly breaks the fourth wall and why the movie's Colossus looks nothing like the guy introduced in X-Men 2. It's all because Deadpool is a movie within a movie franchise, meaning that it's a film Hugh Jackman's Wolverine or Halle Berry's Storm probably paid money to see, and later walked out of.
And another thing: Why does Deadpool look like Ryan Reynolds? Because of a panel from Cable & Deadpool Vol. 1 #2:

Actually, this part isn't a theory.
There you go -- the "real" Deadpool was probably butt-ugly before he got his Weapon X treatment. But, since this is his movie and he's in charge, you bet your ass he made himself Ryan Reynolds, gave himself a hot girlfriend, and threw a few strippers in as well. Which, let's be honest here, is something that Deadpool would totally do.
Billy Fitzsimmons is a freelance writer, check out his awesome articles here. Jacopo della Quercia is the author of two books that you can own right now by clicking here.
For more ways fans made movies way better, check out 5 Horrifying Fan Theories That Make Way Too Much Sense and 6 Insane But Convincing Fan Theories About Popular Movies.
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