The 13 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (9/15)

Sometimes watching the news can feel like you're seeing an anti-Earth propaganda film produced by aliens.
The 13 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (9/15)

Sometimes watching the news can feel like you're seeing an anti-Earth propaganda film produced by aliens. No reasonable person can be expected to keep up with every important headline while maintaining their sanity, so we have taken it upon ourselves to quickly summarize the most important and/or ridiculous news stories from the last week (or so):

Porn app discovered secretly taking photos of users and demanding ransom

Source: BBC

UFC star Rhonda Rousey set to star in Roadhouse reboot

Source: Variety

3 year-old has eye accidentally glued shut at clinic in Quebec

Source: CBC

Godzilla vs King Kong movie may be in the works

Source: Deadline

The 13 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (9/15)

Evidence of new, larger Stonehenge found near original site

Source: USA Today

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