25 Historical Events (As Depicted by 5 Year Olds)

Children are stupid. We know it's not their fault, but it doesn't stop us from laughing at their innocent, wide-eyed idiocy.
With this in mind, we asked you to depict some of history's most significant events, as they would be drawn by a five year-old child. We offered $50 to the winner, and the prize-winning entry is below. But first, the runners-up:
by Illiterati
by angelbrahd
by Gambiani
by CountBaqula
by Cowtppr
by brahman
by mtbutta
by Salah
by keviokevio
by joscott
by rhinopig
by Bell110
by blemm
by Boron
by Sleeper
by Tim
by baredevil
by AgentScarn
by Senor_Taco
by B.Leyd
by chrisolson7
by Bakudai
And the winner is ...
by Bell110
Congrats, Bell110, you win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. This week's Photoshop contest theme is:
If Ebay Auctions Were Truthful.
What would ebay listings look like if complete honesty and full disclosure were required? Fire up Photoshop and show us. Post entries in the forums.
If you'd like to see the entries from this week that didn't make it, see them here. Or check out last week's look at what people with low self-esteem would look like If Tattoos Actually Told the Truth. Or, for pictures too strange to make up, but not too strange to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.
Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know.